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Welcome to Storm Combat Online

It's great to have you on board.  Let's get started!  There are 16 Modules in this course.   


You commence your training immediately. 


Each Module should be diligently practiced for several days before moving on to the next Module. 


Excluding imperfect repetitions, you should aim for at least 500 CORRECT repetitions of each technique in order for the technique to be committed to long-term muscle memory.  Remember - your life could depend on it. 


Please remember that this is a perishable skill and to maintain a high level of proficiency  you should endeavour to practice regularly and make your Triple Threat Training a normal part of your lifestyle.





Dedication Doesnt have an off season.PNG

Welcome to your first Module.  It's better to detect sinister intentions early than respond to violent actions late.  This module serves as a basic introduction to bring you to new levels of survival mindset and performance in life-and-death situations.


Discover how we increase the intensity of training as your progress to ensure that you are physically and mentally able to cope with a violent confrontation.




The two-handed front choke is a common street attack among unskilled aggressors. The technique can be intimidating, however the escape is relatively simple.  The attacker assumes he is in a position of power.  It can be used as a display of dominance. It can be a threat - basically communicating to the victim that the attacker has the ability to kill them. And of course, it can be an intentional move to strangle the victim.


This module marks the beginning of defence when the fight has gone to the ground.  The techniques you will learn are predominantly based on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - minus the rules. This will be explained in more detail in the video which follows. 


Always make it your goal to get back up on your feet as quickly as possible.  Remaining on the ground, even if you have the attacker in a submission hold, can make you extremely vulnerable to secondary attack by an accomplice.



This Module introduces you to Filipino Martial Arts.  As you have probably not had any formal experience prior to this in FMA, we take you through the basics before moving through to more advanced techniques.  




We have included FMA as a Weapons System.  Proficiency in any fighting technique takes practice, repetition and drill work.  You will encounter numerous drills throughout your FMA training.  Drills are the cornerstone of any serious combat training routine.  Reacting freely and without conscious thought is very hard to achieve unless you do drills regularly and work on them with intensity. Once you have repeated these drills and  techniques enough times over they will become a part of your automatic response arsenal.


If you move well, you fight well.  Stance and Movement in combat are two basic fundamentals that underpin success in all other areas.  Great fighters have great balance, great posture and excellent movement. 


Practice your stances. Too often, we focus on blocks and kicks and punches, self defense techniques and combinations and forget to practice our stances. Practice them statically. Practice them in motion. Practice them on uneven terrain.  Work on Balance and Posture.


The work covered in the following two videos should become automatic and drilled into your muscle memory.  Fights have been lost due to poor stance and/or poor movement.  While this may not seem as glamorous as a gun disarm, without it nothing else works effectively.


This module develops your general combat skills/MMA/Muay Thai.  You will be focusing on various kicks and kick sequences.  While you may have executed many of these kicks in the past, please take the time to really master the details of each technique.  It is also a great workout and you can have fun creating your own kick sequences combining all of these techniques. 


Follow the sequence of videos as follows:


1.  The Knee Kick Explained

2.  The Snap Kick Explained



Welcome to this Module.  You will be learning two firearm disarms. But before you venture in to this Module, please ensure that you watch the first video:  Firearm Disarms and the Art of Warfare.  It brings a critical reality check to the practice of firearm disarms.  Follow the sequence of videos as follows:


1.  Firearm Disarms and the Art of Warfare

2.  The Hook and Lock Gun Disarm Technique Explained

3.  The Hook and Lock Gun Disarm Technique Demonstrated with a Partner

4.  The Hook and Lock Gun Disarm Technique Demonstrated as a Solo Drill



The videos should be viewed in expanded Full Screen Format




The bear hug, also known as a bodylock, is a very commonly used method of attack by a criminal.  It is actually a grappling clinch hold where the arms are wrapped around the victim, either around their chest, midsection, or thighs, sometimes with one or both of the victim's arms pinned to their body. The bear hug is a dominant position with great control over the victim, and also allows an easy takedown


This module continues with a focus on kicks.  Kicks are an extremely important part of your self-defence arsenal of skills.  When your attacker has greater reach than you, a well placed kick can create the initial damage, allowing you to continue with the appropriate defence technique.


Here we focus on


Stomp Kicks

Back Kicks and

Combination Drills


This module begins by examining the defence versus a standard rushing tackle (attempted double leg takedown).  It then builds on this foundation by examining the defence versus rushing tackles at closer range where there is little or no time to step off the line of the attack. 


It further examines the defence at close range where you, as the defender, are still able to prevent the attacker from grabbing your legs.  And then looks at the worst case scenario where the attacker has closed distance and managed to dive for your legs - and the tackle is already in progress.




In this Module you will be learning to defend against two types of knife attacks:  a straight knife stab to the chest or abdomen. But before you venture into this Module, please ensure that you watch the first video:  The Reality of a Knife Attack.  It brings a critical reality check to the practice of knife disarms. 


1.  The Reality of a Knife Attack

2.  The Double Trap and Fold Versus a Straight Stab to the Chest Explained

4.  The Double Trap and Fold Demonstrated with a Partner

5.  The Double Trap and fold as a Solo Drill



A Self-First Aid video follows.  It in no way attempts to offer formal first aid training. I simply share some basic tips and pointers gleaned over time from my own first responder/medic training in preventing catastrophic bleeding.  This video is followed by defence versus of a circular knife slash to the neck.


When a firearm is pointed at your chest, but is not physically in contact with your chest, the standard firearm defence (Hook and Lock) learned in Module 7, cannot be applied.  There is insufficient time to clear the firearm by V-Stepping forward.  A different strategy is required.  This is where the Horizontal Bicycle Whell disarm is best applied.


The Americana Armlock is a great technique to restrain an attacker without causing harm.  It can however, very quickly transition to creating bone fracture, shoulder dislocation, ligament, tendon, muscle and nerve damage if required.  Please be super careful if training with a partner.  Apply the Americana Armlock very slowly and with control.  Your partner should tap out the moment they feel the Armlock beginning to take.


This submission will ultimately be applied in the context of sparring/rolling.


One of the most valuable ground fighting techniques.  If you land on the bottom of the fight, you can still prevail against a bigger, stronger attacker with the Triangle Choke


1.  Triangle Choke Part One Explained begins with the end of the Triangle Choke Sequence

2.  Triangle Choke Part Two explains how to set up the Triangle Choke

3.  Triangle Choke Part Three provides a useful tweak to the technique against a much larger, heavier attacker.


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